Alessandro Pizzo

Alessandro Pizzo

Dottore in Ricerca in Filosofia c/o Università degli Studi di Palermo Le sue aree di ricerca sono: filosofia della logica epistemologia e filosofia pratica.

Andrea Moro, Parlo dunque sono. Diciassette istantanee sul linguaggio, Milano, Adelphi, 2012, pp. 114.

Abstract As Moro suggests, we are because we speak. So, the author proposes a particular travel across the human language, and, more precisely, a study on the relationship between our reason and its linguistic structure. Then Moro presents 17 snapshots…

Leggi tutto Andrea Moro, Parlo dunque sono. Diciassette istantanee sul linguaggio, Milano, Adelphi, 2012, pp. 114.

Logica deontica

Abstract Deontic Logic, founded by Georg Henrik von Wright in 1951, has a strong relationship with analytic philosophy. In fact, it is usually considered as a logic of language’s normative uses. Its evolution across the centuries, although, is not clear…

Leggi tutto Logica deontica